Oakhill Collaborative
Organization Description
The Oak Hill Collaborative is a faith-based non-profit organization founded to advance neighborhood revitalization and social organization by empowering residents to beautify the neighborhood, improve their digital skills, start small businesses, utilize our MakerSpace, and take advantage of a community of mentors, teachers and fellow residents. Our Digital Advantage Program utilizes a multiple approach strategy to improve broadband connectivity and use in the Mahoning Valley.
Position Description – Digital Education Specialist
The Digital Education Specialist will apply her/his existing skill set to the job while gaining valuable on-the-job experience. The primary responsibility of the Digital Education Specialist will be developing and implementing curriculum for a wide range of computer skills, teaching some classes, and relying on experts for more advanced ones (while sitting in and learning from them). Classes will include social media, job skills, coding, raspberry pi computer build, 3D printing, drone operation, digital sound recording, robotics, and others depending on needs and interests of the community.
Candidates are encouraged to apply their education, energy, and vision to make a difference in our ministry and in the lives of people served by us.
Candidate Description
Candidates should hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and desire to devote one year of their life to service at the Oak Hill Collaborative. Applicants must take initiative, be dependable, demonstrate leadership qualities and be committed to community service. Applicants are expected to have excellent organizational and follow-through capacities. Some computer/digital skills are required. Candidates should present at least three excellent references.
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