As part of our mission statement, ACTION is called to “seek solutions to overcome poverty, racism and social injustice.” The Food Insecurity (FI) Task Force was created as a response to the 2018 declaration that the City of Youngstown is a Food Desert. The implication of not living within two miles of a grocery store places challenges on individuals and families already living in poverty, blight-stricken neighborhoods with limited access to healthy food options. Through a variety of initiatives, our FI Task Force seeks to provide better food access to our neighbors, especially locally produced food, educate them on healthier options for cooking, preserving, and storage, and decrease food waste to make the best use of their budgets.
Position Member Duties:
Create and implement a yearlong, recognizable nutrition curriculum that works with at risk populations on food related issues, Health-conscious decisions, Smart, local shopping skills (budgeting), Preparation and storage to eliminate food waste
Partner with local organizations, producers, growers, distributors, and wellness professionals to support and elevate the nutrition curriculum and program
Develop and implement a mobile market delivery system based off of current pop-up markets
Promote ACTION services and programs within the community